Wednesday 1 June 2016

Cold Enamelled Tiles, Rose

More Cold enamelling...this time using a stencil to build the rose


* Efco Cold Enamelling Starter Kit
* Aluminium Tiles
* Spectrim Noir Pens

*Products purchased from Hochanda

Rose template...if i have loaded this properly, you should be able to right click and save picture....

How To

 1. Key two of the aluminium tiles with a peice of sandpaper (i use a nail file)

2. Coat the tiles with the green from the starter kit and then dust in dark green (Green and Ultramarine premixed) and light green (Green and Yellow premixed)...Fire them in your little stove.

3. Use one of your copies of the rose stencil and cut out the leaves...dust through the stencil with the light green and fire

4. Use your alcohol pens to add shading and veins on the leaves.....occasionally allow the ink to pool for extra darkness behind the leaves

5. Using a new print of the stencil, cut out the 3 petals that are at the back of the rose....Colour them with the pink and fire, once the tile is cool add shading with the pink spectrum the nibs on paper for colour blends

 6. Repeat 5 but add a little dust of white powder as well

7. Using White as the base from now on, with dustings of pink, repeat the stencils to the centre

8. Add a coat of clear enamel powder

I hope you enjoy this and look forward to seeing pictures....:-)

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