Tuesday 3 May 2016

Eye Tangle

The Finished 'Eye'
Because .....well no reason really and please note, i use a mix of official Zentangles and Unofficial Tangles.


* No1 and 8 Micron Pens

* White Sakura Souffle Gel Pen

* PolyChromo Pencils - 3 Shades of Blue

* Graphite Pencil

* Tortillion, one for the Graphite Pencil and a separate one for the Blues

* = Items purchased from Hochanda

How To

1. Decide on your picture and create your string.....now in this case, my 'string' is a rough pencil sketch of the idea

2. Draw in a tight spiral where the pupil is and slowly open it out as you spin through the Iris, weaving over and under the 'sparks'.....Use Micron Pen No1 and dont worry if it looks a bit shaky

 3. Using a ruler and the No1 Micron Draw in the 'sparks., remebering to weave as you go...again dont worry if you get the weave slightly wrong...it adds character

4.All the Tangles have names but i am totally rubbish at remembering them so apologies. Draw in the final Sparks making it look as if they weave in and out of punched holes

5.Alternate light and dark blocks around the spiral, making the dark blocks slightly larger than the spiral edges....end in some quirky dots strung together....Micron Pen No8 is your friend for colouring large areas as it had a thicker nib.

6. Time to Colour the sparks with 3 differing shades of blue polychromo (could use any or many but i felt like blue) Pencils and use a Tortillion to blend the colour in each spark. I also used the graphite pencil to add shading around the sparks and blended it out with a Tortillion

7. Working slowly Shade in the spiral and add white highlights with the souffle pen

8. Fill In the edges where the eyelids would go with zig-zag and square tangles of choice (as a contrast to the round of the spiral) Add some shading for depth.

9. Dont Forget to sign and Date your work.

A Helpful Tangle website, which is packed full of tips and tangles


  1. Very creative Patricia

    crafty hugs Pen x

  2. Well done Patricia, nice to see how it's done
    Sharon K
