Friday 13 May 2016

Machine Felting Project No 2... Beach Scene

As with graveyards, Beach scenes are another that i invariably end up drawing/creating, despite a personal dislike of seagulls, i do love a trip to the seaside.....mmmmm....freeesssh Donuts.........and im back lol. There arent many pictures in the how still learning to stop and take pics.....but i hope you enjoy this as its a personal favourite.


* Variety of Merino wool Felting Tops
  Pure Wool Crewel Wool
  small amount of sparkly wool for sunlight on waves
* Glitter Glue

* = Items purchased from Hochanda

How To

1. Using the Merino Wool, Wet felt a basic seascape background....dont panic if horizon isnt level...

2. Lay in a straight horizon, distant land and highlights in the sea...including waves in the foreground using merino wool and the felting machine

3. Place sun for shadow direction

4. Start Layering up sanddunes, add a fence with shadows and darkness behind the grasses using merino wool and the felting machine

5. Use Sparkly wool to place some sunlight in the sea.

6. Use Crewel Wool to highlight the headland, waves in the sea and the light on the fence (Straight Stitch) ...then build the first sets of grasses using 2 shades of green crewel wool (Straight Stitch and French Knots)

7. Lay in sand dunes in front of grasses and add clouds in the sky using merino wool and the felting machine

8.Use Crewel Wool to Stitch Birds in the Sky,  Foxgloves and Daisies (Straight Stitch, French Knots and Open Chain Stitch)

9. Mount the image on a mountboard frame.

10.Create the frame layers on a peice of regular felt and use prev techniques to create layers of dunes and flowers..cut out and glue to frame to add depth to the Pic.

11. At this point i had a bit of a panic as i had left several glue fingerprints on the mountboard frame.

12.GlitterGlue waves added around the mountboard to hide my oopsie...and gives a great effect too.

I hope you've enjoyed...catch you monday.....

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